Friday 19 April 2013

Is the Cloud Safe?

     Now I know that usually I try to keep my posts about being healthy. But today i want to try something new. Today why don't we talk about the cloud? Or otherwise known as the internet. Our generation can literally have our entire life connected to the web. People put a lot of trust into the belief that when they are on the internet,  they are being protected. But we forget that along with being useful and informative, The web can also lead to your destruction.
     I got a list of classic dangers of the internet from the following site. Bad things that could happen include:
                           1. Viruses- When you open something that is not very safe it is possible that you might collect one of these. They attach themselves into the inner system and can cause you lose all files, photos, and even crash your entire computer.
                           2. Spam- is the commercial sending of information to a user without their consent. This usually happens in the form of an email. These files can have unwanted information and is just a plain annoyance to have. sometimes spam comes with viruses.
                           3. Con-Artists- The thing about the internet is that you never know who you are dealing with. The person selling you a product most likely is not who they say they are. As a result it is very hard to find deals that are safe and reliable. Many times people will run into con-artists and will be taken advantage of. They give out their banking information to someone who is only going to steal from them.
                           4. Giving Out Too Much Information: Kids are naive people. They don't always make the best decisions. Many will release way too much information about their lives for everyone to see. Creeps all over the world take advantage of this. This leads to an increase in kidnapping and rape.

    But there is hope for the internet yet. To begin with, all that information you store on it is permanently safe. According to this it is impossible for the internet to crash. The cloud is just way to big. As long as you keep your internet saved onto a safe site, you will be fine in that area. Secondly there are laws and safety regulations that are very closely held on the internet. This site informed me on an organization that helps to make like safe for everyone; The Internet Watch Foundation. This company works with the government, the police, and those in charge of education to provide the safest environment possible. They have the ability to look at what is happening on any computer, and to stop what is needed to be stopped. If they find a suspicious user or site, they have the power to shut hem down. While this can be seen as an invasion of privacy, I think it is for the better. I would much rather have the government know what I am doing than the stalker next door. 

      So in conclusion, the internet is not a particularly safe place. There are areas that it would be best to stay  away from. But if you follow the rules, if you don't act stupid in your decisions, the internet is perfectly fine. Your safety is affected by your decisions. Play safe on the internet, and the internet will play safe with you.

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